Case Study: Volunteer

Sponsor Focus: Owl Roofing

Who knew our owls and the professionals at Owl Roofing would be such a match made in heaven? Well, that is exactly what happened when owners Jesse Garrett and Mike Knight approached us about a service project to benefit CRC. After some discussions with the program staff, we decided to construct a new Great Horned Owl enclosure on the public Raptor Trail. Mike and Jesse motivated their staff and friends to come out for hours of volunteer effort dedicated to completing this enclosure. After months of design and construction, we dedicated the new GHOW cage in September 2015 during our Annual Friends & Family Celebration.

Many thanks to Owl Roofing for their donating their time, talents and treasure to the GHOW cage project – in all they invested more than $21,000 in materials and in-kind labor! The staff of Owl Roofing continues to work on projects at Carolina Raptor Center helping the raptors (and the humans) keep dry and warm.

The staff and friends of Owl Roofing not only gave their time and money to the Great Horned Owls at Carolina Raptor Center, we think they have stolen their hearts. – Jim Warren, Executive Director