Case Study: Sponsorship

Sponsor Focus: Wells Fargo

Carolina Raptor Center partners with Wells Fargo to present the FalconCam every spring during nesting season. The FalconCam is provided by Wells Fargo's landlord Childress Klein and zooms in on a nesting pair of Peregrine Falcons that have chosen a 40th floor planter to nest in for the past 3 years. This pair has successfully fledged 2 or 3 falcons every year for the past three years. Wells Fargo employees – especially those in the One Wells Fargo building have embraced this pair and cheer annually for their success.

"The FalconCam provides the public with a unique look at what goes on in a wild nest in an urban setting 40 floors up!" said Executive Director Jim Warren. "Wells Fargo and Childress Klein have provided a wonderful gift to the community by providing this insight into nature."

The partnership with Wells Fargo goes beyond the FalconCam and includes the following other engagement programs:

  1. Wells Fargo volunteers work at Carolina Raptor Center 2-3 times a year to improve the Raptor Trail,
  2. Wells Fargo Investment Banker Rob Stoy serves on CRC's Board of Directors, and
  3. Wells Fargo provides financial support through sponsorship of our two annual events, GoWILD! and Talon to Table.

"Carolina Raptor Center views engagement with our corporate partners as three-fold – board service, volunteerism and financial support," said Warren. "The FalconCam takes this engagement to the next level by providing a real educational opportunity for the community and a new kind of connection to the natural world."

The FalconCam provides the public with a unique look at what goes on in a wild nest. The falcon's choice of an urban setting on top of One Wells Fargo in Charlotte, NC, makes this nest even more interesting. – Executive Director Jim Warren