In October 2024 the Carolina Raptor Center hosted the Raptor Research Foundation’s 2024 Conference, both at the Hilton Charlotte University Place and on property at Latta Nature Preserve.
Over 200 attendees assembled from around the world to spend time in Charlotte from Wednesday, October 23 to Saturday, October 26. Attendees included representatives from Argentina, Australia, Austria, Canada, Costa Rica, England, Ethiopia, Germany, Hungary, Iceland, India, Israel, Spain, and the United Arab Emirates.
Plenary Speakers included Dr. Tricia Miller, Dr. Bryan Kluever, and Dr. Nicole Nemeth.
Dr. Miller, Senior Research Wildlife Biologist and Executive Director of Conservation Science Global, presented “Unraveling the Mysteries of the Eastern Golden Eagle.” She and others in the Eastern Golden Eagle Working Group have studied this enigmatic population for almost 20 years.
Dr. Kluever, Supervisory Research Wildlife Biologist within the US Department of Agriculture (USDA), Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service, Wildlife Services, National Wildlife Research Center (NWRC), presented “Conserving, Managing, and Researching an Expanding Species, the Black Vulture.” He leads a team of natural resource professionals who employ observational, experimental, and captive animal wildlife research to create robust, common-sense solutions to human-wildlife conflict issues.
Dr. Nemeth, Associate Professor and Head of the Research and Diagnostic Service at the Southeast Cooperative Wildlife Disease Study, in the College of Veterinary Medicine at the University of Georgia, presented “Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza: An Additional Threat to the Health and Conservation of Raptors.” Her recent work has been critical in tying HPAI to demographic responses of Bald Eagle populations in the southeastern USA.
Symposia covered topics ranging from solving environmental mysteries to the movement ecology of raptors and implications for conservation.

Carolina Raptor Center saved 40+ cadavers and supplied them to workshop instructors, allowing workshop participants to practice hands-on skills.
Workshops gave participants direct experience with raptor first aid for field use, advanced molt and aging in raptors, transmitter harnessing, and techniques for handling, auxiliary marking, and measuring raptors after capture.

Carolina Raptor Center’s Kristin Dean, Director of Avian Operations, and Sunny Cooper, Hospital Manager, taught a four-hour workshop on Raptor First Aid. With the use of cadavers, participants were guided through physical exam and triage and practiced treating wounds and applying common bandaging techniques to stabilize fractures. In addition, they shared recommendations and supplies to create their own field first aid kit.
Additionally, conference attendees traveled to Carolina Raptor Center for a hospital tour and took a birding walk around Latta Nature Preserve. On Friday evening conference attendees explored the zoological Raptor Trail with 30+ avian ambassadors at the Carolina Raptor Center before enjoying the music of Local Boys and food from the Smoke Pit BBQ at Quest Nature Center.

The Carolina Raptor Center previously hosted this conference back in 1993 and this year our staff sat on committees to plan and host elements of the conference including the scientific program, field trips, registration, and marketing. In 2023, the conference was in Albuquerque, New Mexico and 2025’s gathering will be in Costa Rica.
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